Sonia Gandhi Office / Residence Address, Phone Number, Email, Website
Check out Sonia Gandhi office / residence
contact details which includes the full address, phone numbers, fax
numbers etc. with reference of the official website of AICC.
Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, meant as the most powerful lady in India. She is
the Member of Parliament of 15th Lok Sabha from Rae Bareily (Uttar
Pradesh). She belongs to the biggest political party in India, Indian National Congress (INC)
also known as Congress. More importantly, she is the president of the
majority party which is the same. Even she is also the president of UPA
which is ruling the Government in India since 2004 (till now 2013-14).
Mrs. Sonia Gandhi belongs to Lusiana, Vicenza of Italy. Date of birth
of Sonia Gandhi is 09 December 1946. Father is Late Mr. Stefano Maino
and mother’s name is Mrs. Paola Predebon. Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi is her
husband who as also the ex – Prime Minister as well as the INC
The name of this famous political and social working personality
before marriage was Edvige Antonia Albina Màino. She has two children Rahul Gandhi
and Priyanka Gandhi. According to the official information, she
surrendered her Italian passport to Italian Embassy on 27 April 1983
automatically she left the citizenship of Italy then only. After
marrying with an India citizen she got Indian citizenship.
Mrs Sonia Gandhi Image
Sonia Gandhi Office / Residence Contact Details
Sonia Gandhi Office Address – 10, Janpath, New Delhi – 110011, IndiaSonia Gandhi Residence Phone Number : +91-11-23014161,
Introduction :
Sonia Gandhi is 69 years old Loksabha MP, elected from Rae Bareli of Uttar Pradesh state as a member of Indian National Congress Party.
Sonia Gandhi was born to Late Mr. Stefano Maino & Mrs. Paola Predebon
Background information of Sonia Gandhi:
Daughter-in-law of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, widow of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi
More information
Chairperson, (i) Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, (ii) Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust |
(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund |
President, (i) Swaraj Bhavan Trust |
(ii) Kamla Nehru Memorial Hospital Society |
Trustee, Jalianwala Bagh National Memorial Trust |
Member, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.Sonia Gandhi Office / Residence Address, Phone Number, Email, WebsiteCheck out Sonia Gandhi office / residence contact details which includes the full address, phone numbers, fax numbers etc. with reference of the official website of AICC. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, meant as the most powerful lady in India. She is the Member of Parliament of 15th Lok Sabha from Rae Bareily (Uttar Pradesh). She belongs to the biggest political party in India, Indian National Congress (INC) also known as Congress. More importantly, she is the president of the majority party which is the same. Even she is also the president of UPA which is ruling the Government in India since 2004 (till now 2013-14). Mrs. Sonia Gandhi belongsto Lusiana, Vicenza of Italy. Date of birth of Sonia Gandhi is 09 December 1946. Father is Late Mr. Stefano Maino and mother’s name is Mrs. Paola Predebon. Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi is her husband who as also the ex – Prime Minister as well as the INC President. The name of this famous political and social working personality before marriage was Edvige Antonia Albina Màino. She has two children Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. According to the official information, she surrendered her Italian passport to Italian Embassy on 27 April 1983 automatically she left the citizenship of Italy then only. After marrying with an India citizen she got Indian citizenship.
Mrs Sonia Gandhi Image
Sonia Gandhi Office / Residence Contact DetailsSonia Gandhi Office Address – 10, Janpath, New Delhi – 110011, IndiaSonia Gandhi Residence Phone Number : +91-11-23014161, 23014481 |
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